Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and standards; enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. With all these qualities required, it's no wonder that it's hard to find great teachers.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Eight types of intelligence

There are eight types of intelligence

1- Linguistic intelligence - the gift of words. 
Linguistic intelligent people best understand the world through the spoken and written word. 

2-Visual/Spatial Intelligence - the gift of pictures 
Visual/Spatial intelligent people best understand the world through visualization and spatial orientation. 

3- Musical - The gift of music 
Musical intelligent people best understand the world through rhythm and melody.

4- Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence - the gift of body
Bodily Kinesthetic intelligent people best understand the world through physicality.

5- Logical /Mathematical - the gift of logic and numbers
Mathematically and Logically intelligent people best understand the world through cause and effect.

6- Interpersonal Intelligence- the gift of people
Socially intelligent people best understand the world through the eyes of others.

7- Intrapersonal - the gift of self 
Intrapersonally intelligent people best understand the world from their unique point of view. 

8- Naturalist Intelligence- the gift of nature 
Environmentally intelligent people best understand the world from their unique point of view .

The presence of eight different types of intelligence doesn't mean that you have only one of them ! , you might be having one , or more types of intelligence ,  but in different ratios . 
What really matters , the type of intelligence that is mostly found in each of your students !? , knowing this will cut the way to your student short , as it will give you the key that you need to make it easy for your student to get to understand your lesson.. Try to figure it out , that will make teaching  much much easier for you.


  1. i may have z 8 types in one class.?? right??
    how could i cover that

  2. First of all you need to ask about the way to get to know the major type of Intelligence for each of your students , but anyway i will give you a small tip to answer your question.
    after deciding the major type of intelligence of each student , you can gather the students who have the same major type of intelligence together in small groups , give each group a name or a title that can be a code for their intelligence type, start designing the suitable activities that are matching with each type of intelligence , students can work using your teaching aids in groups .. you may use different methods at one time , if you are gona group them .
    in a different post we can speak more about this , but after giving you some ideas about how to figure out the major type of intelligence for each student , hope you are satisfied :)

  3. Differentiation is the name of the game.
